First Sunday Hash!

Run Date: 
11/06/2016 - 3:00pm

Your Old School Hares, Tonue-in-Cheek, Tasty Pasties and Doppel Floppin' host the first back-to-Sundays hash November 6th, 2016.

Starts at Glenwood Park, corner of Ashland St.+ Glenwood Dr., near the University and S. Mountain Avenue. Meet at 3:00 p.m. for a traditional-style hash: approximately 3-mile run, 1 beer stop and the usual dick-boob-song checks with an indoor On-In and Tasty's gourmet "tastier-than-hell" comfort food. Good beer, good food, good times--all for $10. Dogs and kids welcome on run if tethered at On-In outside.

Put it on the calendar and invite your friends!
